Welcome to

The Body Forgiveness Project©

Do you relate to forgiveness and self-compassion helping you to shift the way you relate to your body? Have you discovered a new, compassionate way to be in your body and would like to share what that is and what it means to you now? If so, please submit your "Body Forgiveness" story to me! (This can be in just a few words, a visual image, a poem. Whatever represents, and/or expresses your new relationship with your body)

 I will choose one story to post anonymously each month as a way to build community, connection, and hope around healing and embodiment.

This idea was born from my current qualitative research study on the role of forgiveness and embodiment. Each participant expressed the need and desire to build a community of sharing to offer hope and connection on the intimate topic of body healing. Thank you for being a part of this momentum.

Are you interested in sharing your story?

Ann Saffi Biasetti Ann Saffi Biasetti

October Entry

“I pushed my body to the limit, consumed with meeting toxic expectations of this world. My body whispered fatigue, I kept going, my body nudged exhaustion, I pushed through, my body wept in pain, I pushed anyway in frustration, critical of my "stuckness". I fell to a stop...only my breath, my life force, my body wrapped me in warmth, hope, & stillness- not resentment. My body taught me forgiveness. I am humbled by each cell of my body infinitely communicating hope, healing, & love, My body taught me to slow down, gently telling me to listen and learn. I will not leave my body behind again.”

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