BFYB Advanced Skills Group
Have you completed an 8-week BFYB program and have hoped for the answer to “what’s next?” Please join me and others in this intimate program that deepens the skills you have started.
This group is open to anyone who has completed a BFYB Virtual Program (with myself or any other BFYB teacher) or my self-paced Online Course.
This group is open to anyone who has completed a BFYB Virtual Program (with myself or any other BFYB teacher) or my self-paced Online Course.
This is a once a month, 8-month commitment. We will meet once a month on Thursdays, 4-5:30pm EST for 8 months. Sorry, no drop-ins.
At the end of each group, you will receive a recording of the guided practice to work with for the month.